Strategic Program Focus
The Foundation runs three major programs as indicated below:
This program is designed to provide technical and financial support to Community Based Organizations (CBOs) to initiate, direct and/or effectively lead life-change programs/project; and to help women and youth develop livelihood skills toward economic self-sufficiency, human rights and improved rural community living. The technical support covers three major areas which include:
1. Organizational capacity upgrading; this process will include baseline assessment
legal documentation, structure, system, policies and procedures, strategic plan(s)
and sustainable development management;
2. Strengthening the capacity of CBOs in Result Based Program Management
(RBPM), Community Development Strategies (CDS), Advocacy Initiatives (AI) and
Resources Mobilization (RM) through training, mentoring and coaching; and
3. Providing support for networking, coordination, negotiation, and marketing local
innovations and creativity.