Strategic Program Focus

The Foundation runs three major programs as indicated below:

This program is designed to provide technical and financial support to Community Based Organizations (CBOs) to initiate, direct and/or effectively lead life-change programs/project; and to help women and youth develop livelihood skills toward economic self-sufficiency, human rights and improved rural community living. The technical support covers three major areas which include: 

1. Organizational capacity upgrading; this process will include baseline assessment
legal documentation, structure, system, policies and procedures, strategic plan(s)
and sustainable development management;

2. Strengthening the capacity of CBOs in Result Based Program Management
(RBPM), Community Development Strategies (CDS), Advocacy Initiatives (AI) and
Resources Mobilization (RM) through training, mentoring and coaching; and

3. Providing support for networking, coordination, negotiation, and marketing local
innovations and creativity.


Advocacy Program

This program is designed to enable rural community actors raise awareness trending social issues and remedies, and to draw stakeholders’ attention to community needs, potentials and preferred outcomes. The program also creates opportunities to expose abuse and demand justice and the security of person; it highlights human rights issues, especially sexual and gender based violence and abuse and women political participation and access to economic opportunities. It promotes good governance; rule of law and democratic culture; it is a platform for engaging strategic State actors and donor partners to ensure gender equity in education, economic opportunities and political privileges.

Leadership Development Program

This is Professional Training Program (TPT) geared towards developing the professional skills of young university and high schools graduates in more professional and systematic way that ensures sustainable development. The program runs three-month Diploma Training in  leadership with emphases on  Critical decision making processes and sustainable Development Management and Six-Month Diploma training in Social Work with emphases on Community development and program management,  documentation and reporting.

Projects Completed
Counties Covered
Communities Reached
Direct Beneficiaries

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